Friday, October 23, 2009

"Houston...we have a problem."

PARADIGM 153: Houston, this is P153.

Control: Yes P153, this is Control. We've got you loud and clear. Everything OK? Over.

P153: Houston...we have a problem...

Control: Roger that, P. What's the dealio?

P153: Uh. Houston...repeat. I say, repeat, over.

Control: Copy that, P. I said what's up, Buttercup? Over.

P153: Uh. Houston? Is that you?

Control: If you mean Blogoshere Control, yeppers. But we're not in Houston. You're thinking of those NASA dudes. We're in... well never mind that. What seems to be the prob, Bob?

PARADIGM 153: My name's not Bob. And what's with all the pseudo hip talk?

Control: We're tech types so we're not so good when we try to flingo the lingo. Capeesh? Now what's the problem, or we'll have to disconnect. Haven't you been blog cruisin' lately? There are countless blogs that are in deep self-inflicted trouble!

P153: Yeah, yeah. No kidding. OK, OK. Well, I had announced a little while ago after not blogging awhile that I was back and going to blog regularly. I love to write, and I'm committed to having a quality blog worth people's time and effort, but I've not been blogging like I said I would.

Control: Oh come on! I thought it was something really serious. Hmmm, let's see how we can fix this...Oh, how about this? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND BLOG!!!

P153: Uh, gee. Thanks. (Pure genius).

Control: Hey, lazy boy, I can hear your parentheses, thank you very much! Don't make me come out there from Monkey's Eyebrow and...!

P153: Where?

Control: Never mind! Just get blogging again and keep blogging! Control, over and out!

P153: Sheesh!