Monday, November 24, 2008

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness…sometimes.

Every once and awhile I get a good idea in the shower. Think about it. It's a wonderfully creative atmosphere. There’s plenty of water for thoughts to grow. A nice warm and humid environment like that of a greenhouse. Why shouldn’t it be a place where ideas can push through the soil of the mind and sprout?

It’s practically replaced the bath of centuries past, where I’m sure many great thoughts came to birth and fruition. Like practically all guys, and most people, I don’t take baths. Perhaps that’s why everyone’s so hyper-stressed these days. More time needed in hot water to melt those anxious thoughts away and foster the percolation of worthwhile ones. But the shower still provides some level of relaxation and besides, it’s also a fairly quiet place to think, unless you’re a crooner.

Not too long ago I was in the shower and God gave me this little gem. Remember, it's not mine but his (and no, I’m not claiming divine revelation, so relax and go take a bath). But he's loaned it to me so I feel OK quoting myself - "The discovery of truth is not a point of one’s own genius, but the dispensing of the grace of God."