What I’m referring to here has nothing to do with a candidate. Although I didn’t vote for him, I think Barack Obama is definitely well intentioned and has the country’s best interests at heart. I’d like to attend his inauguration to be a part of an important moment in American history, but I won’t because I don’t think I’ll get anywhere near the action (if you’ve got a free ticket, let me know). I think having our first African American president is a milestone that breaks down barriers that are more than overdue and may even help toward the healing of racism in our country. And any man or woman who’s my president will get my support and prayers as the leader of our nation.
What I’m referring has everything to do with the followers. About the object of their trust and the rationale behind their fervent tears and shouts from their bumper to believe. Don’t they realize that these are only just people? Granted, very talented people, but nevertheless, people just like them. Don’t they realize that one human being, no matter how powerful the office they hold, can’t solve all the problems that face our country and the world? Don’t they understand that there are just things the government can’t work out? That there are issues that are beyond the resolution of human effort?
Can't they consider that perhaps the answer is in a supernatural solution? That the object of their believing should be in a supernatural Person. And just perhaps the intervention of that Person in the lives of their candidates, the life of our new president, and in their own is wha